Welcome to West Armstrong Website

Dont read anything

- West James Armstrong Artist Statement -

I love pottery more than anything in the world, I create functional pieces with the intention for everyday use and consumption. I use materials I've personally gathered from places I've lived and loved to indicate to the holder my more personal and familiar relationship I have with my craft. I convey a sense of looseness and rhythm in my work that, when paired with mark-making that feel as if they were always meant to be there. Alternatively fired with glazes I make that make the eyewitness' fall into a deep and everlasting abyss of wonder and awe, contemplating the complexities of the everchanging effects throughout the piece.

-Other Boring Past Shit-

I can still vividly remember my first experience with clay. My father got a big pile of clay delivered to patch holes up around his farm, my brothers and I always made sure to get dirty as possible

But it wasn't till i was in highschool my drive started to grow. I enrolled in the ceramics program in freshman year got in and started, we only did sculptural and handbuilt projects for the whole year, but near the end he offered to teach anyone willing and wanting to try out the wheel, so i decided to give it a try. I hated it and decided it wasnt for me. Sophomore year was very similar, and I got the oportunity to learn the wheel again. I hated it again and decided it probably wasnt for me.
